Macon, MO (660) 385-5751 • Monroe City, MO (573) 735-4395

Burlap Bag Jack-O-Lantern


  • Burlap bag
  • Black permanent marker
  • Orange spray paint
  • Yellow acrylic paint
  • Paint brush
  • 24” just string


    • Paint one side of burlap bag with orange spray paint following manufacturer’s directions. Let dry.
    • Cut out templates (accompanies this pattern) and arrange on bag, keeping in mind that the top of the bag will be gathered. Outline templates with black permanent marker.
    • Fill in outlined eyes, nose, and mouth with yellow acrylic paint, keeping the black outline visible. Let dry.
    • Fill bag with leaves, old newspaper, etc. Gather top and tie with jute string. Add bow and other optional embellishments.

    Optional: spray finished bag with UV protectant or sealant to protect against weathering.


For a full list of materials and directions.

Date: September 26, 2018