Macon, MO (660) 385-5751 • Monroe City, MO (573) 735-4395

Hanging Dishtowel


  • Dishtowel approx. 18″ x 28″
  • Fat quarter
  • Scrap of thin batting or flannel
  • One button


  • Cut dishtowel in half resulting in two pieces that measure 14″ x 18″.
  • Pleat or gather the raw 18″ edge to 6.25″ across. Stitch in place.
  • Using template (download project sheet to print), cut two pieces from the fat quarter and one from the batting.
  • Lay fabric pieces right sides together and top with the piece of batting. Pin together.
  • Stitch around the fabric/batting piece using a quarter inch seam allowance starting at point A (refer to the template) to point B.
  • Clip corners, turn right sides out, and press.
  • Turn under a 1″ hem along the open bottom and press.
  • Insert the pleated or gathered raw edge of the towel 1″ into the open end of the fabric/batting piece and stitch in place with two rows of stitching.
  • Center the button on the pointed end of the flap (point C) and mark for a buttonhole. Make buttonhole.
  • Fold flap down and mark where to attach the button. Sew the button on.


For a full list of materials and directions.